While there was a time where Replica Louis Vuitton Purses were considered to be the bags to purchase in order to place your self in the social hierarchy, they are now thought of as more tacky than classy. Reverse snobbery is the way to go now, where you don't need the monogram to place yourself in the upper social group; people who know your bag are the ones that need to know about it. That said, are LV BAGS really that bad?
While some louis vuitton designer travel have now seemed to be capitalizing on their popularity more so than maintaining their style that they were originally sought after, thus painting their all over their bags, there are some bags that still hold onto their timelessness.
Two designers that have been lately considered as over-rated, too mainstream,are Gucci and LV BAGS. I do agree that their monograms have been over-done, especially with the amount of imitation bags that their designs go through, but there are still some styles that they have that really give that umph that the designer powerhouses were known for bringing.
The louis vuitton women bags are such bags, particularly in the dark brown, where the LV actually brings out the subtle detailing of the bag even more. The same can be said for the Lockit by LV. It is a simple shape but the monogram brings something extra to the table and makes it the perfect bag to carry day or night, without seeming like you're paying for attention.
The LV Bags, classy ? Since there are so many bags out there with their characteristics, and not to mention imitations, I find that the style itself really determines whether the bag is classy or not, and therefore not all lv bags can be classy..