Wholesale distributors make a lot of wholesale accessories available to customers. One of the kinds of wholesale accessories that wholesale distributors make available to customers are handbags. If you are a woman and like to shop, one of the items you may come across a lot are handbags. In fact, you may even own one or two or even three! Some women are very obsessed with owning a lot of purses and some are not. There are a lot of places where you can shop to find purses. If you have a lot of cash in your wallet and a sense of style, you may be able to afford the Kate Spade bags at Nordstroms and even the Gucci purses at Neiman Marcus. But if you are low on cash, you may want to check out stores like Marshalls and Nordstroms Rack where you can save big and still get big name brands.
There are all sorts of styles and colors and name brands out there of handbags. You can find alligator prints, tiger and leopard prints, and even zebra print bags. There are bags in all colors and shapes and sizes. If you are not into name brands, you can certainly find a lot of those out there but the quality won't be as good as the name brands themselves. But, you can certainly find knock offs. For instance, you can find knock off Louis Vuitton, Gucci, and Prada purses out there. The authentic bags could cost you hundreds of dollars while the knock off bags could cost you merely twenty or thirty dollars. If you are the type of person that has to have the name brand, then you won't be able to settle for the knock off. But, if you are into the name brand but just don't want to pay that much for it, then you may settle for the knock off purse.
People wear purses to all sorts of functions. You can have a bag for every day use, one for school, one for work, one for parties and dinner events, and one for dates. Men are not as into having quite a selection of accessories as women. Women can own a purse in just about every color and a man will wonder why a woman doesn't just have one purse. Women need to have a selection. Also, not every purse matches with every outfit. This is why you need to have a bit of a choice of purses if you are interested in style. Some colors work with all types of outfits. If you have a black handbag that is probably the most useful color to have, as black matches with almost any outfit. Neutral colors are practical and colors like yellow and green may only go with certain outfits in your wardrobe.
Handbags are a fun accessory to own and if you have the money you can have a few that you wear with different outfits. But if you simply don't have the money to spend, you should just have one bag that is practical and matches with just about everything you have.