Handbags are one of the most famous Gucci products. First produced in 1947, the Gucci bamboo handle handbag is one of the company's most famous products and is still one of its mainstays.
A more recent handbag produced by the company is the 'Aviatrix' large boston handbag. With pebbled leather trim, goldtone hardware, gold Gucci lock crest closure, the sand and burgundy bag is symbol of luxury fashion.
If you are looking for a modern statement, then the red leather 'Snow Glam' hobo is an obvious choice. The red, black and white textured patent leather will ensure that heads will turn. It features interlocking Gucci fabric lining with interior zip, patch and cell phone pockets.
For those with a traditional taste, the white leather 'Signoria' bowler bag is a stylish addition to any wardrobe. With gorgeous and rich supple, pebbled leather, the bag features a zip top closure, horsebit buckles and logo engraved ends caps it is a prestige handbag.
If you are looking for a very Gucci handbag, then the toffee suede 'Royal' large tote handbag is it. It has smooth suede leather trim, two-way zip closure and polished goldtone. It is a fantastic modern addition to any wardrobe.
Before you buy a designer handbag, make sure you go to Sara Clarke's website which has a large range of discount designers handbags for sale at her internet store, including replica Gucci handbags.