If you had to choose a shoe based on comfort or style, you would choose style, right?! So would just about every other woman out there. You definitely wouldn't wear your comfy old walking shoes to a dressy dinner date!
Why is it more important for women to look good rather than to be comfortable? The answer is simple... most of us are willing to take the discomfort when we know that we look fabulous. Looking good helps us feel better about ourselves, thus giving us greater confidence. Having that self confidence and aura attracts people to us. And that's exactly what we want, to be noticed, right?
Let's face it. We have all had those days where we haven't felt so "cute". Whether it's the frizzy hair or the clumpy mascara, going out in public with that feeling of "I just don't look good" can put a damper on your day.
So how can we overcome these insecurities? It's plain and simple; we just have to look good. Even with that "not so cute" feeling, complementing a fantastic outfit with the perfect shoes will make you feel better. Why waste those precious hours in front of the mirror by throwing on any old pair of cheap shoes? Remember, no outfit is complete without the ideal pair of shoes.
Better yet, if what you're wearing looks amazing, people won't notice anything else. For example, a girl walks by and you sub-consciously critique her attire. If she was wearing fabulous shoes, you wouldn't even notice her hair or make-up. Your only thought would be, "Where did she get those shoes?" NOT, "I wonder if those shoes are comfortable."
So when should comfort trump fashion? Fashionable shoes are a must when you are trying to impress. There is nothing worse than having your shoes ruin a great outfit. Whether it's a hot date or just a trip to the mall, dress to impress! There is always time to relax around the house in those comfy slippers or tennis shoes. Unless you're going to the gym or on a hike, fashion should come first.
Let's be honest, it's not always possible to find women's shoes that are both fashionable and comfortable. Take Paris Hilton's advice and, "Dress cute wherever you go, life is too short to blend in."