Louis Vuitton has a brand image and hence their bags and purses are the most talked about among women. Every woman and teenager knows about this brand. LV makes some of the finest bags and is crazily in demand. When it comes to prices, Louis Vuitton bags are definitely expensive as compared to the other brands, but it is worth the price and every woman's prized possession. LV has introduced their new range of purses and bags in the year 2009 and they have already become popular and women are rushing to get their favorite piece of LV. The purses and handbags manufactured by the Company boasts of high standard since they use the finest material. It is also very much in demand in the fashion industry and also amongst celebrities.
The prices of LV handbags are definitely on the higher side and beyond the reach of the common man. Replica handbags are introduced in the market which is a carbon copy and the prices are affordable too.
Louis Vuitton has made a name for itself through years of dedication and hard work. They have been there since quite some years and have persistently worked towards their goal of being among the top fashion accessory companies. The reason for their success is the quality that they deliver. They use one of the best materials and also ensure that the right stuff is put to use and come out with exquisite and chic styles. Some of the finest collection of handbags and purses in the market are the Louis Vuitton collection. They are unbeatable as far as fashion and style is concerned and so far has remained on the top.
The most horrible part is the fact that Replica handbags are being introduced in the market and it is practically not possible to differentiate between an authentic LV bag and a replica handbag. People often buy the replica ones since they are not able to make out the difference.
The 2009 Louis Vuitton collection has been introduced, thanks to the efforts and creativity of their designer, Marc Jacobs. When spending money on such branded goods, make sure you are buying the right stuff and not the knock offs. Many of the replicas of Louis Vuitton bags may guarantee excellent quality and looks, but you are here to get a branded and authentic LV bag and not a replica. It is not worth the compromise.
Louis Vuitton bags are made of skins of lamb, camel or crocodile and hence very expensive.They are smooth and soft to feel and will not get torn so easily like the replica handbags.