Compared to fashion titan Gucci or Louis Vuitton, Mami are undistinguished a bit. But we should never ignore the French bag brand with its unique charisma. The first impression of this Marni slouchy leather bag for me is the phenomenal and classic pink color. I almost can tell the femininity and liveliness exuding from a girl whoever handles it. The designers combine several successful elements from other renowned bags with their originality and innovation. The overall structure is harmonized with the attractive strap on the line. I'm not sure if it seems a little bit old-fashion with the tangling strap construction. I saw the similar feather on some of my grandma's bags. But fashion is always about recreating. At least my teenage sister is enthusiastic on it. However with $1780 price tag, I don't believe it will be on the wishing list of most adolescence. But I seriously doubt with the acceptance on adults for its immature design. So maybe it's feast for those old prince. That's not bad though. Who don't want to grasp the tail of their youth?
Compared to fashion titan Gucci or Louis Vuitton, Mami are undistinguished a bit. But we should never ignore the French bag brand with its unique charisma. The first impression of this Marni slouchy leather bag for me is the phenomenal and classic pink color. I almost can tell the femininity and liveliness exuding from a girl whoever handles it. The designers combine several successful elements from other renowned bags with their originality and innovation. The overall structure is harmonized with the attractive strap on the line. I'm not sure if it seems a little bit old-fashion with the tangling strap construction. I saw the similar feather on some of my grandma's bags. But fashion is always about recreating. At least my teenage sister is enthusiastic on it. However with $1780 price tag, I don't believe it will be on the wishing list of most adolescence. But I seriously doubt with the acceptance on adults for its immature design. So maybe it's feast for those old prince. That's not bad though. Who don't want to grasp the tail of their youth?